Showcooking in Obbio with Ricky Mandle

Showcooking in Obbio with Ricky Mandle — Delicious & Sons

Next Wednesday, June 13 at 6pm, Delicious & Sons co-founder and chef, Ricky Mandle, will presenting a cooking class featuring Mediterranean recipes in Obbio Market.

Ricky will prepare recipes apt for all types of food preferences. Recipes that are easy and delicious and also for people who follow vegan, vegetarian, or gluten-free diets.

To atend the class all you have to do is visit the OBBIO website and sign up with this link in the “cursos y talleres” section:

We hope to see you in OBBIO and together we can enjoy a new and more ethical way to eat and cook. We will show to incorporate the delicious Mediterranean flavors inside our little jars into your every day diet.

Don’t miss out on the chance to learn the recipes that are defining the way we eat now and in the future.

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