We started the weekend with an eye towards the importance of caring for what surrounds us, of respecting and raising awareness for the environment. So we left Barcelona to spend 3 days where the environment and animal rights were the focus of attention.
We tried to follow the rhythm of the young activist Olivia Mandle, who, invited by Anna Truyol, from the Artchimboldi project, visited the island. We joined Olivia with our activist area WE CARE, to accompany her in these 3 rough days. During these days, we also carried organized a cleanup of one of the most beautiful beaches in the island, Can Patet, adopted by Anna within the program led by GOB Menorca and Victor Carretero.
We met incredible people during those three days and followed Olivia under the banner of WE CARE Menorca: the teams from Paddle Tour Menorca or the wonderful pair behind 0 Plastics Menorca, were extremely helpful.
It was a complete privilege to be in a place as magical as Artchimboldi Menorca.