It is difficult to begin to write about all the things we have done during these weeks of confinement. We have dreamed of having more resources, having more arms, but the same soul… It is difficult to imagine that the world will be as it was before.
I tune in live to people that inspire us like Naomi Klein or Jane Goodall and organizations that through their concepts and campaigns shout so that people don’t go back to being themselves, so that we realize that before, we lived in a crisis, underneath a contaminated and deceptive status quo. Normal was living in a human and environmental crisis.
From Delicious & Sons we will continue to invite you to walk alongside us, on the side of environmental, social and economic awareness, because we do not know or want to know, how do things “as before”. We want to learn and get away from the curse of the saying “man is the only animal that trips over the same stone twice.” We want to learn and follow the path that we started from the creation of Delicious & Sons, an ethical, responsible path, with values and a strong work ethic. Respecting everything that surrounds us to the maximum, starting with Mother Earth, who allows us to INHABIT her but NOT DESTROY her.

Now that we can start going out again, with the necessary safety measures, we ask you not to just walk around as before, take a deep breath, appreciate what surrounds us, notice that even in large cities, and urban vegetation is like never before. Appreciate the smell of less polluted cities with fewer vehicles. The sweet smell of Spring that will bring us to a summer full of questions.
Now that we start leaving our home confinement, we want to say THANKS once again to all those people, projects and organizations that have let us help them, because helping is a beneficial act for those who do it, bordering on selfishness. They speak of altruism, I would like to search for another term, because it cures, HELPING CURES.

It scared us at first, but we decided to start offering free shipping on purchases of packs both on the web in all markets, and in Amazon USA and Amazon Spain. We felt it was our way of being able to help create healthy and tasty cupboards. And we continue to maintain our commitment and assume these shipping costs to try, at our level, to help.

We participated very actively as a brand in last month’s 50th Anniversary of Earth Day in New York as organized by the Earth Day Initiative foundation, because for us, it all begins with how humans treat the planet, our home, to which we owe everything.

It’s wonderful to feel and share the energy of creating a volunteer platform like Food4Heroes. Thanks to Mar from Flax & Kale for fighting with Food4Heroes to provide food for the healthcare workers who have fought and fight for us. We hope that the pasta we cooked together with our Organic Pesto Rosso provided a ray of Mediterranean sun.

We loved supporting the 40 medical students from the Hospital de La Paz in Madrid who study COVID_19 voluntarily and pro bono.

It is incredible to continue to watch how Assís works for the homeless of our city. And we help not only during this COVID_19 crisis but we help whenever possible. It is wonderful to work with NGOs in the US where an excessive and grotesque number of people do not have the right to healthcare, much less something to eat.

Thanks to B Corporation Spain for the Instagram Live video session that was as fun as it was useful about tricks in our daily eating habits during these weeks of confinement. Because in addition, it encouraged us to create a weekly menu so that the confinement could be healthier, easier, and more delicious. The menus can be downloaded and are wonderful for every day and for all kinds of tastes and dietary requirements.

Thanks to the Gourmet Cluster of Catalonia for allowing us to lead, manage and centralize through Delicious & Sons We Care, those partners and colleagues of the Cluster who had material to donate to healthcare workers.

And we continue working, because COVID_19 has not gone away, and although we still know very little about, what we do know is that one of the most effective ways to fight against it, is to reflect, respect and rethink our actions and our way of life. From looking at ourselves with humility to realize how small we are in comparison to Mother Nature. And thank you, thank you for giving us the opportunity to inhabit it.
We hope to launch in the near future different campaigns from our area of environmental, social and economic impact: WE CARE, to be able to continue in line with our core values.
It is very easy to join our world view and help, if only by staying connected:
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If you believe “we are what we eat”, and that food is important in our daily lives, that it has to be tasty and also healthy, while also sustainable and full of values and commitment, then subscribe to our newsletter here. |
For a better planet for all living beings that inhabit it. Stay up to date with our social and environmental activities especially focused in the Mediterranean, the area where we produce and for which we are thankful. An area that is destroyed on land, air, and sea. |
Mónica Navarro
Founder Delicious & Sons