This past April 3, B Corp Spain invited us to do an “Instagram Live” session to offer tips to stay healthy emotionally and physically during this home isolation. In addition to a whole bushel of ideas and general recommendations regarding healthy eating and healthy lifestyle, which you will find in the video, we prepared a weekly menu.
We based the menu on a healthy Mediterranean diet with special attention to products that are especially good for us during this health crisis.
Each week we will publish a new menu. Don’t miss out on the recipes and weekly menu in the special new section COVID19 – Weekly Menu in the recipe section on our web.
You can also see the video here.
Nutritious Breakfast:
We recommend starting the day with fresh juice, fresh fruit, nuts, and while grain cereal with limited sugar. Other options can be a whole grain toast with nut butter, avocado or hummus. And for those who can’t do without a morning sandwich, whole grains, or buckwheat bread is ideal, with extra virgin olive oil, and meat or cheese lean as possible.
Light Dinners:
At night we suggest very light dinners such as healthy vegetable soups, broths, or miso soup, and accompany with a piece of fruit, some light cheese or a yogurt. With the reduced amount of physical activity we’re getting these days it’s best to limit our food intake at night. You can even try fasting. Also, hot soups are easier to digest at night allowing for a better night sleep.
And remember you can follow us on social media:
Instagram: @deliciousandsons
Twitter: @Delicious_Sons
Facebook: @DeliciousandSons
Youtube: @deliciousandsons
We would like to give a special thanks to the B Corp Spain community for its initiative and unconditional support. You can follow B Corp Spain here:
Instagram: @bcorpspain
Twitter: @BCorpSpain
Facebook: @BCorpSpain